Performance on demand is what it all comes down to. ~ Dr. Bruce Pinel Dr. Bruce Pinel (web) is a mental performance consultant with over 20 years of experience in sport psychology. He works with elite athletes competing in world championships and the Olympic Games, helping them win over 450 medals in international competition. Bruce... Continue Reading →
Jennifer Muller – Seeing the Justice System through a Self-Represented Litigant’s Eyes (#14)
It just seemed so wrong for me to be there on my own. ~ Jennifer Muller Jennifer Muller (@SRLjmuller) is a school counsellor and former sessional instructor at the University of British Columbia. She has also been personally involved in disputes in the public justice system. For some of that time, she was represented by... Continue Reading →
Mitch Walker – Gladue Reports and the Healing Approach to Criminal Justice (#13)
Gladue reports reinvigorate the idea that there’s a different way of promoting rehabilitation and healing. ~ Mitch Walker Mitch Walker is a criminology instructor and co-founder of the Gladue Writers Society of British Columbia. He's also one of BC’s Gladue Report writers working to promote fair treatment for Indigenous People in the Canadian criminal justice... Continue Reading →