Anytime you’re in conflict, you don’t have a perfect picture. You don’t have the luxury of time. ~ Major Sherry MacLeod
Major Sherry MacLeod (linkedin) is a lawyer who has served with the Canadian Armed Forces in Canada, the US and overseas. As a legal professional, she already shows a commitment to principles and a willingness to manage, resolve or avoid conflicts. As a member of the Armed Forces, she shows a commitment to service in one of its highest forms.
Major MacLeod has brought her legal skills to places like Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq – on the ground in combat combat zones most of us will only read about in the news. Along the way, she has received numerous awards and decorations from Canada and the United States.
But she is also a mother and a spouse who juggled work and a family like many of us who work in the law. As you’ll hear in this conversation she has a strong connection with the humanity we find even in some of the most desperate and war-ravaged places on earth.
She also has a fantastic sense of humour that may provide some hints about how she manages to bring such a positive, confident approach to a very demanding work.
Major MacLeod’s experiences give us a very unique view on what it means to be a legal professional and what becomes possible when we dedicate ourselves to the service of others.
Topics Covered
- Military justice
- Law of armed conflict
- Work-life balance for legal careers
- Comparative law (national, cultural)
- Law and policy in post-conflict circumstances
- Courts-martial
- Legal issues relating to national defence, security and terrorism
- Continuing legal education
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