Nicole Aylwin – Managing Stress through Mindfulness and Yoga Therapy (#29)

We can’t think our way out of stress. The body keeps the score. ~ Nicole Aylwin

Nicole Aylwin (web) is a Canadian leader in access to justice research and the design of modern, flexible, user-focused dispute resolution processes. 

Nicole is a part-time Member of Ontario’s Condominium Authority Tribunal where she mediates and adjudicates disputes through the CAT’s online dispute resolution system. She’s also a Senior Research Fellow at the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, where she supports research on access to justice in civil and family matters.

Nicole also has a foot in another world – as an internationally certified Yoga Therapist who helps people use the mind/body tools of yoga and mindfulness to better manage stress, pain, illness and injury. Her business is called Yoga Therapy & Wellness (

In this episode, we cover a range of topics including some of the practices Nicole uses to help people (including legal professionals) manage stress – in both their minds as well as their bodies – through mindfulness and yoga therapy.  

Topics Covered

  1. Multidisciplinary perspectives on law
  2. Access to justice
  3. Everyday legal problems
  4. Data and the justice system
  5. Stress and the legal profession
  6. Physical health for legal professionals
  7. Online dispute resolution

Listen to “29 Nicole Aylwin – Managing Stress through Mindfulness and Yoga Therapy” on Spreaker.

The Quiz for this episode is here.

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Shownotes  4:20

Ontario Condominium Authority Tribunal 5:00

Canadian Forum on Civil JusticeEveryday Legal Problems and the Cost of Justice in Canada 11:00

Nicole’s journey into yoga therapy 28:30

Mental health and chronic stress in the legal profession 34:30

Yoga as a path or journey 37:40

Flight, fright or freeze and chronic stress 49:15

Mindfulness and the changes to brain and body 55:10

Breathing exercise 1:03:00 

Online Dispute Resolution and Mindfulness Workshop 1:29:00

Rapid Fire Questions 1:35:00

Nicole’s ask / call to action 1:48:00

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