In my last post, I explained how courts could make court technology leapfrogs. In short, they can leapfrog from A (pre-industrial revolution) past B (post-industrial revolution) to C (the information and technology revolution). Courts can do the same thing when it comes to usability. Usability and access to justice Access to justice is a big problem... Continue Reading →
The court technology leapfrog
In an age accelerating technological transformation, some courts are decidedly stone age. But there's an upside: the most technically backward courts are well-positioned to leapfrog stages of justice's slow technological evolution. The Mobile Phone Leapfrog Mobile phones helped developing countries leapfrog stages of technological evolution. While developed or industrialized countries invested in the expensive and complicated... Continue Reading →
How should we think about the risks of legal expert systems?
When I'm speaking at conferences about the expanded use of legal tech, a lawyer or judge in the audience will invariably show an eagerness to highlight the risks of these new tools. Legal expert systems are no exception. Alarmists will often dwell on the very existence of a risk, with little concern for the scale,... Continue Reading →
Using logic & tech to cut complexity and improve access to justice
Logic can be a powerful tool for helping non-expert users cope with the complexity of the law. It can become a particularly powerful legal problem diagnosis tool. It's helpful to work through an example using a typical piece of legislation. Let's assume our user has a specific type of legal issue under the fictional Widgets Act.... Continue Reading →
Will legal expert systems put lawyers out of work?
It's easy to find articles and blog posts these predicting that intelligent technologies will take work away from lawyers at some point in the future. And maybe that will happen eventually, at least for some lawyers. But there are two reasons to be confident that intelligent tech like expert systems won't put lawyers out of work... Continue Reading →