Creating an expert system knowledge base: steps 1-3

Creating an expert system's knowledge base is the heart of knowledge engineering. This description covers the first 3 steps of the process at a high level. Orientation Knowledge engineers require orientation to the processes and methodologies that will be used to create the knowledge base for the particular system under construction. Subject matter experts also... Continue Reading →

Expert systems and the digital divide

Expert systems rely on computers to deliver non-expert reasoning, support and guidance to non-expert users. To benefit from this expert knowledge, users must have access to the technology, either directly on their own, or with the help of others. Expert systems are machines Expert systems deliver their output through computers. Paper-based "choose your own adventure" versions... Continue Reading →

Building intelligent tech | Experts and the knowledge engineering process

Intelligent technologies like expert systems are designed to deliver expert knowledge to non-expert users. Finding good subject matter experts and using them the appropriately are critical to success. The importance of expert knowledge The knowledge engineering process will depend on the availability of expert knowledge. At least one subject matter expert with specialized domain knowledge... Continue Reading →

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