All it takes is letting go of the traditional model. ~ Tara Vasdani Tara Vasdani (@taravasdani) is a litigator, legal tech enthusiast and employment lawyer. She is also the founder of Remote Law Canada. After only a few years of call to the bar, she has amassed a ton of experience in big law and... Continue Reading →
Colin Macleod – Right, Wrong & Wicked Laws: How Can Anyone Decide? (#21)
We know that law sometimes does wonderful things. But we also know that law sometimes does terrible things. ~ Colin Macleod Professor Colin Macleod (web) is a philosopher who spends a lot of time thinking about law. He is the Chair of the Philosophy Department and a Professor of Law at the University of Victoria.... Continue Reading →
Eike-Henner Kluge – COVID-19, Bioethics, Law and Decisions of the Most Difficult Kind (#20)
Dr. Eike-Henner Kluge Dr. Eike-Henner Kluge (Faculty Page) is a bioethicist and professor of philosophy at the University of Victoria. In 1989, he established the Canadian Medical Association's Department of Ethics and Legal Affairs. He was the first expert witness in the field of biomedical ethics recognized by courts in Canada. The COVID-19 pandemic brings... Continue Reading →
Jordan Furlong – How to Get Through a Pandemic and Build Better Justice & Legal Services for the Future (#19)
We're going to come out of this a changed society and a changed legal system. ~ Jordan Furlong Jordan Furlong (@jordan_law21) is a legal market analyst, author and speaker. He regularly consults with law firms and legal organizations to help them understand the present and prepare for the future. Many of Jordan’t legal market insights... Continue Reading →
Brook Greenberg – Mental Health, Substance Use and an End to Suffering in Silence (#18)
Suffering in silence by yourself is the worst thing we can all do. ~ Brook Greenberg Brook Greenberg (@b_greenberg) is a partner at Fasken where he practices in the area of complex commercial litigation. He is also an adjunct law professor at UBC’s Allard School of Law and an Elected Bencher of the Law Society... Continue Reading →
Shannon Salter – The Civil Resolution Tribunal, Technology & Justice Redesigned for Users (#17)
I want to seize every possible opportunity to bring the justice system to the people who need it. ~ Shannon Salter Shannon Salter (@shannonsalter) is the Chair of Canada's groundbreaking Civil Resolution Tribunal (aka the CRT). She is also widely recognized as a leading voice in the development of tomorrow’s public justice system. Shannon doesn’t... Continue Reading →
Delena Hills – Justice & Legal Services for Clients with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) (#16)
Whatever your area of expertise is, you’re going to be working with people with FASD. ~ Delena Hills Delena Hills (web) is a speech-language pathologist working with BC’s Asante Centre. Delena works with a range of clients who have neurodevelopmental issues, including fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, or FASD. In this conversation, Delena provides a broad... Continue Reading →
Bruce Pinel – Managing Stress and Reaching Peak Mental Performance in your Law Practice (#15)
Performance on demand is what it all comes down to. ~ Dr. Bruce Pinel Dr. Bruce Pinel (web) is a mental performance consultant with over 20 years of experience in sport psychology. He works with elite athletes competing in world championships and the Olympic Games, helping them win over 450 medals in international competition. Bruce... Continue Reading →
Jennifer Muller – Seeing the Justice System through a Self-Represented Litigant’s Eyes (#14)
It just seemed so wrong for me to be there on my own. ~ Jennifer Muller Jennifer Muller (@SRLjmuller) is a school counsellor and former sessional instructor at the University of British Columbia. She has also been personally involved in disputes in the public justice system. For some of that time, she was represented by... Continue Reading →
Mitch Walker – Gladue Reports and the Healing Approach to Criminal Justice (#13)
Gladue reports reinvigorate the idea that there’s a different way of promoting rehabilitation and healing. ~ Mitch Walker Mitch Walker is a criminology instructor and co-founder of the Gladue Writers Society of British Columbia. He's also one of BC’s Gladue Report writers working to promote fair treatment for Indigenous People in the Canadian criminal justice... Continue Reading →