Claiming CPD Credits

This list is in progress! For information only. Please check with your regulator if you are uncertain whether you can claim credits.


  1. (If it has been pre-approved for credit): Go to the Law Society of BC Website -> Member Portal -> Continuing Professional Development (CPD) ->
  2. Scroll down on the page for recording credits until you see the “Provider” field -> Type “Darin” and it should autocomplete.
  3. Select the episode that you listened to. Make sure you did the quiz too. It’s required.
  4. Press the “Claim Credit” button for the episode.


For Alberta lawyers, consider including this course as a CPD learning activities in your mandatory annual Continuing Professional Development Plan as required by the Law Society of Alberta.


If you’re a Saskatchewan lawyer, and want to try to claim credits, send me a note and I’ll give it a shot. You may also be able to apply to have it approved individually.


It looks to me like courses don’t have to be pre-accredited, and is up to the lawyer to determine whether the activity qualifies.


The Law Society of Ontario told me they do not review or pre-approve substantive CPD content. So unless otherwise noted, let’s consider an episode “substantive” in nature.

If I create future episodes dealing with ethics, professional responsibility, practice management, and/or equality, diversity and inclusion, I will seek accreditation from Ontario under the professionalism category.


I think you can apply individually with the Barreau du Quebec.

Newfoundland and Labrador

It looks like pre-accreditation is not required by the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. But the recording can’t be older than 365 days. I’m not going to peg actual dates on them yet. So please send me an email if you have a question about the date.

Nova Scotia

For Nova Scotia lawyers, consider including these courses as CPD learning activities in your mandatory annual Continuing Professional Development Plan as required by the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society.

Prince Edward Island

It doesn’t look like pre-accreditation is required by the Law Society of Prince Edward island. Please let me know if I have this wrong.

New Brunswick

I think individual lawyers will have to apply to the Law Society of New Brunswick for accreditation on an individual basis. If there is enough demand, I can also apply to have an episode pre-accredited.

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