Introduction to Online Dispute Resolution (#2)

This is episode 2 of my Continuing Professional Development podcast. It's all about online dispute resolution, also called ODR. Topics covered: A definition of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR).Types of communication channels involved in ODR.Comparisons and contrasts between ODR and electronic court document filing.The history of ODR.The use of technology for digitization, as opposed to innovation... Continue Reading →

Podcast Pilot (#1)

This is episode 1 of my Continuing Professional Development podcast. It’s just a pilot episode that explains what this is all about. Listen to "1 Pilot Episode" on Spreaker. I plan to use quizzes to try and qualify you for CPD credits. Take a sample quiz here.

My CPD Podcast Experiment

My Continuing Professional Development (CPD) podcast is now in the experimentation phase! I've been thinking about doing this a long time. Seriously. I'm talking years here. The basic idea is to merge the benefits of podcasting with the desire of lawyers to continuously learn and develop. Oh, and qualify for CPD credits, of course. Podcasts... Continue Reading →

Patterns for modelling expert knowledge

There are different ways to model or structure the expert knowledge in a technology-based system. Some of the approaches are actually quite complicated and theoretical. At least they seem that way to me. The approach I take to knowledge engineering is what I believe to be quite a simple approach. In my view, knowledge engineering... Continue Reading →

Knowledge engineering tools

This post introduces some of the tools a knowledge engineering team can use to create the logic for an expert system database. Digital vs analog Like many forms of facilitation, it's possible to use post-it notes and large sheets of paper or walls, windows, etc. to create and capture the knowledge content. These tools can... Continue Reading →

Knowledge engineering | collecting expert knowledge

This post introduces the structure and format for meetings with subject matter experts. These meetings become the "live" facilitation sessions used to collect knowledge for the expert system's database. Acquiring expert knowledge Expert knowledge is collected by knowledge engineers through live facilitation sessions. Knowledge engineers acquire domain knowledge from subject matter experts through a range... Continue Reading →

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